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Holby City

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soliloquy | 20:37 Thu 17th Nov 2016 | Film, Media & TV
7 Answers
In the episode on Tuesday (15th), Ric took something from the unconscious Tristan's pocket. Nothing was made of it in the rest of the episode. What did he take?


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It was probably the document Tristan got him to sign the previous week agreeing to cuts on Keller.
20:46 Thu 17th Nov 2016
an envelope !
think it perhaps contained some incriminating stuff on Guy Self ?? might find out next week..
It was probably the document Tristan got him to sign the previous week agreeing to cuts on Keller.
Question Author
Thanks murraymints. Well since Guy Self has resigned, if what was in the envelope incriminated him, it's of no use now.
of course !!!
think ubasses is right
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Yes, I would agree with ubasses.

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