Need A New Mobile Phone in The AnswerBank: Technology
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Need A New Mobile Phone

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lankeela | 13:37 Thu 24th Nov 2016 | Technology
11 Answers
I have a contract with Talk Talk that uses vodafone. My phone is now damaged due to constant abuse (keep dropping it!) and not working brilliantly so I need a new one, but contract does not expire till next May. Where is the best place to get a cheap phone - nothing fancy as long as I can get calls and emails. Can't seem to find one where I can just buy a phone (second hand would do) without having to pay monthly. Suggestions please? Current phone is Samsung Galaxy Fame but not bothered about make.
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Can only find Tesco phones that are locked to Tesco network? I need to be able to use my Talk Talk sim card
Just look at Tesco direct they have got plenty of sim free ones.
Carphone Warehouse (now part of Currys PC World) does unlocked phones.

By the way, I think Talk Talk dumped Vodaphone and user the O2 network.
Question Author
Found a nokia lumia at argos for £49.99 but what the hell is a nano sim?
Argos is where I got mine from
There are mini, micro and nano sims...all different sizes. So check carefully before buying!
Question Author
Talk Talk are sending me a nano sim.
Question Author
Thanks folks think its sorted.
whoops, should have read more thn the question before replying!

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