ChatterBank1 min ago
13 Answers
I have two drain covers that need replacing and other cementing work that needs doing outside of house.
With the freezing weather at the moment , should I wait until spring when there is less chance of frost or does freezing weather make no difference to cementing ?
Would like it done in Jan / Feb prior to putting house on market.
Getting all those little jobs done , as they say.
I will get a man in to do it of course.
With the freezing weather at the moment , should I wait until spring when there is less chance of frost or does freezing weather make no difference to cementing ?
Would like it done in Jan / Feb prior to putting house on market.
Getting all those little jobs done , as they say.
I will get a man in to do it of course.
Anything below 5 degrees temperature is not good for cement mortars and plasters. Once it's above that, you're Ok. If it must be done in low temperatures , then a "Frostproofe r" additive can be used in the mix. Or simply use a rapid setting cement...... ....... http:// www. wickes. co. uk/ Blue- Circle- Extra- Rapid- Cement- 25kg/ p/ 224662
19:09 Thu 01st Dec 2016
SirA, I found this link. http:// www.con crete.o ingerti ps-nugg ets.asp ?cmd=di splay&a mp;id=3 92
... A better link .. http:// www.pow erblank the-eff ects-of -pourin g-concr ete-in- cold-we ather
Hi SirA. Just a quick word or 3. Cement work can be carried out during cold weather as ng as he tradesman is properly qualified to do it. There are additives for mortar which speed up hardening and concrete can be mixed using a dry slump grade which again reduce the possibility of water freezing before the concrete has set. All work can be protected against possible heavy frost as well. When you say that you need to replace drain covers do you mean that the brick manholes or frames that hold the inspection covers have collapsed? Builder will be along shortly no doubt but you may need to bump the post to get it back into latest posts.
What needs doing is the cement surrounds for two man hole size drain covers.
Cement surround for two small pipe inlet covers .ie. where a sink size pipe exits into drain pipe. Also we have a stove pipe that exits brick wall and surrounding cement has cracked and started to crumble away.
No concrete required .... I think
Cement surround for two small pipe inlet covers .ie. where a sink size pipe exits into drain pipe. Also we have a stove pipe that exits brick wall and surrounding cement has cracked and started to crumble away.
No concrete required .... I think
//as ng as he tradesman //
//As long as the tradesman// Lol that was a correction for the typos Elina.
The cement surrounds will be holding a frame that the cover sits in SirA, so further inspection may be diligent rather than just considering the cosmetic aspect. As for the other little jobs they do not sound too large to be done when you know you have a couple of fine days to give the mortar time to go off. I would want to know more though about the drain cover seating before just flaunching them up with a bit of cement.
//As long as the tradesman// Lol that was a correction for the typos Elina.
The cement surrounds will be holding a frame that the cover sits in SirA, so further inspection may be diligent rather than just considering the cosmetic aspect. As for the other little jobs they do not sound too large to be done when you know you have a couple of fine days to give the mortar time to go off. I would want to know more though about the drain cover seating before just flaunching them up with a bit of cement.
Yes I agree.
I will leave with the builder to decide if they whole thing needs replacing ie frame and cover. I think the modern lids are plastic these days. I would prefer a metal one. But as we are planning to move early next year, a plastic one will suffice if it does the same job.
We have four man hole covers around the property.
I will leave with the builder to decide if they whole thing needs replacing ie frame and cover. I think the modern lids are plastic these days. I would prefer a metal one. But as we are planning to move early next year, a plastic one will suffice if it does the same job.
We have four man hole covers around the property.
Anything below 5 degrees temperature is not good for cement mortars and plasters. Once it's above that, you're Ok.
If it must be done in low temperatures, then a "Frostproofer" additive can be used in the mix. Or simply use a rapid setting cement.............
http:// www.wic uk/Blue -Circle -Extra- Rapid-C ement-2 5kg/p/2 24662
If it must be done in low temperatures, then a "Frostproofer" additive can be used in the mix. Or simply use a rapid setting cement.............