when we went from three bedroom house to a two bedroom bungalow we had to be ruthless ,twenty five years junk in the roof plus cupboards crammed with stuff I hadn't used for years loads of Tupperware (felt obliged to buy at parties)gave bagfuls to charity shops and the rest went in the tip x
You need to fill your days/evenings with other things or Facebook will always be but a click away. Meditation is good for stopping thinking so look into that. Good luck.
I've virtually given up on facebook - have 6 friends (real friends) that I sometimes chat with there, it was quite easy to give up. For the rest - look at the world, the real world of nature around you whilst going for a walk. Seek out calm and lovely places. Light a scented candle and read a book which gives you pleasure..........lots of things to do. Guaranteed method is volunteering to help other people.