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Thanks for the replies.
I don't really see why a park home should be less secure than a house. The doors & windows are exactly as in a house, & can't imagine anyone trying to "break" a hole in the actual construction.
As far as my house insurance goes, guess I'm just shrewd ! LOL It's with a big name company & it does make a big difference having another policy with them.
"Your Home Insurance premium: (Inclusive of insurance premium tax where applicable) £106.48
- Sums Insured:
- Policy excess: £50"
I'm actually paying £10 extra by opting to pay by d/d (something I've never done before because it DOES cost more) as a) I figured it'd be easier to cancel paying monthly & b) I should be looking at £30 from Topcashback by doing so so would get the £10 back + more ;)