Do you use self service checkouts?
Our local Poundland has got rid of half its checkouts and replaced them with self service. Interestingly, while there are always empty self service stands there is always a (big) queue waiting to be served by a real person.
Personally, if im giving my custom (and money) to a retailer I expect to be served by them, not do it myself.
EDDIE asked on another thread about jobs been taken over by technology, is this another one of them?
I only ever use the Self Scan (the one with the "gun" that you use as you go round) in Waitrose....I'm amazed at the number of people who are queuing at the conventional checkouts while I'm out in no time at all...I think they're a bit daft! (And I haven't even been re-scanned in the last two years!).
The sellers want to get rid of all the check out counters and have automated units as it saves so much money in labour costs
the consumer wants check out services
the difficulty is that it is the usual matter of introducing modern rechnology and making people 'use' it when it hasnt been tried and tested or in our speak "doesnt blardy work!"