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Strictly Final

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Eve | 18:15 Sat 17th Dec 2016 | Film, Media & TV
135 Answers
Can't believe it's here again already! Who is watching, who are your favourites for the final two and who is your favourite to lift the glitter ball trophy?

I can't wait! :)

SPOILER WARNING: The result will be posted on this thread once announced.


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Very sad Danny didn't win, well done to Ore but please stop sobbing at everything. And a tad sorry for Kevin - again!
Yaaaaaaaay. He deserved to win!!!
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Ahh, all over for another year! Well, I'd better get the house locked up and up to bed though (and Michael McIntyre off my TV haha!). Gone really foggy out there, quite spooky!

Will pop back in but just wanted to say thank you to everyone for a great thread tonight and to all of you who have watched with me through the series, it's been a great one, thank you for your company :) xxx
He's off my TV as well, Eve :)

Thank you for the threads, and the company. What will we do on Saturday nights now? sob
Drinks are on me!
...... actually not for EVERYONE. It's only £26. Lol
Lol. Congrats on your win :)
Glad Ore won. He has no previous dance training, so starting from scratch and to this level is an achievement.

Want to say also, what a beautiful dancer the professional Oti is.
Mines a G &T please! And well done all finalists and lovely chatting here to all interested ABers x
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Amaretto sour for me please (and no, that's not me being bitter haha, love the drink!). Congratulations on your win horseshoes!

Oti is a stunning dancer and those legs!!!

It has been lovely chatting! Will be quiet Saturday nights now!
^ you could always go to see some dancing that is not on the telly. I have just booked for Giselle at the ENO - I can`t wait.
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Sounds great! I went to see Billy Elliot the musical last weekend and it was fantastic!

I really want to see Burn The Floor but only in London. So many Strictly pros were in it.

Not been to the ballet for some time now, I love it, enjoy!
Got ticket to see Aljaz and Janette
Birthday present for the spring
Anything worth watching on Saturday night after Christmas?
I wanted Danny to win all along, but with him being in the dance off last week and messing up one of his dances this week, I thought 'he's not going to win' and I was right! Ore was excellent in the final and I agree with someone on here who said Oti is a great dancer, she is.

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