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gness | 18:39 Fri 23rd Dec 2016 | ChatterBank
26 Answers
Listening to local news as I drink wine and ice two cakes.....

It's taking two hours to get out of the Grosvenor Centre car park in Northampton.... imagine....stuck in a car park for two hours....that can't be correct, surely?


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I went there once, Melv.....a school staff trip.....I wouldn't go again and they wouldn't take me again......x
>>> It's taking two hours to get out of the Grosvenor Centre car park in Northampton.... imagine....stuck in a car park for two hours....that can't be correct, surely?

Simply getting stuck in Northampton is hell in itself, surely?

you sure you're not thinking of Suffolk, Chris?
We don't have car parks, Jno. We country yokels only have hitching posts for our horses.
saves riding the sheep, I suppose?

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