wife of 8 years is leaving me because she has never ever felt any passion for me. No intimacy is happening now, still in house in other room. What can I do to try and fix this?
Unless both of you are willing to talk it over and agree to repair whatever is causing issues then no one is able to force the other to agree/comply. It needs to be a mutual desire to mend rather than move on. I trust you have already both listened to each other's viewpoint and can find no common agreement on a way forward. If not then do discuss (rather than simply air wants/desires at each other) and see if there's hope and a possible way forward. Otherwise one may need to accept that life is change.
Sadly, diebs, I don't think you can do anything if she has decided to leave. It's really tough, but you must accept it and move on. Even if you managed to pesuade her to stay, her heart wouldn't be in it and you'd both be very unhappy.
bit mean to drop that bombshell this time of year tbh.
I don't think trying to convince her otherwise is going to help, give her the space. Maybe when she 'goes it alone' she'll realize she's made a mistake. Unless there;s more to it and someone else waiting in the sidelines.
not a nice scenario to be in mate, make sure you look after number one though - self preservation.
Don't take this the wrong way but are you a 'doormat'? By that I mean do you do everything she says? I've heard this from women on more than one occasion. They 'sneered' that their partner did everything they said. The partners, as a result, have been divorced. Hope things work out for you.