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What Will You Do With Yours?

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Caran | 11:25 Sat 31st Dec 2016 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
We have been given an extra second tonight.
On the countdown it normally goes 57, 58, 59 bing bong.
Tonight it will go 57, 58, 59, 60 bing bong.
Whatever you do, don't waste it!!


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time for an extra swig of G & T, never wasted imo.
Actually it will go 57, 58, 59, 59, bing bong.

I will use the time to adjust my watch.
Sit on Mr Caran, Caran.......with his track record just think what he could manage to do in an extra second!.....☺
I'm with Baldric. This means an extra mouthful of champers tonight!!
They just keep coming up with more ways to delay Brexit don't they.
^ Lol. made me chuckle.....again.
Oh, Jim.....clever!....x
Hopefully I'll be asleep!
Might have an extra bing. Or maybe a bong.
I'll just fritter mine away, I'm wild like that.
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Extra time for extra drinkies!!
Don't let OH pour it, Caran!
I'll be sticking two fingers up to 2016.
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gness he won't get the chance tonight. We are going to friends, there will be six of us and everyone is contributing with food and drinks k. So normally the host pours the drinks, but in my case I usually get a bottle plonked on my table!!
They know me too well!
Made me laugh, Caran......have a lovely evening.......x
Do you have to sit on a separate table, Caran? What a shame. :-(
Please, let's just get the bloody charade over can we?
Surely Caran is under a separate table, tilly :)
Plenty time for scorpiojo to solve two crossword clues! :o)

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