Please could anyonepoint me in the right direction for these last four.
36. The + venture (I assume is 'the adventure), then lower down the word 'plum pudding'with a speech bubble coming from Plum saying "it's mine"
48. MATCHSIRS. (Which is an anagram of Christmas) but I feel there's more to it than that.
29. ORIENTAL and lower down the word ORION. I thought of eastern star, but Orion is really a constellation, not a star.
33. In bottom left corner, the word OR , beneath it the word OR twice and beneath that the word OR , again twice. On the right, a speech bubble containing 'Ding Dong ' four times in a list. It looks as though it's coming from the first OR, but can't be certain.
I've been going round in circles for weeks on these. Any help/ clues much appreciated.
Thanks emeritus. Now you've answered it it was so obvious.
Thanks too mallyh, I had seen that one but could see why it said "its mine". Can't see me getting anything else so I'll send that answer in.
Thanks both for your help