Two word phrases in The AnswerBank: Phrases & Sayings
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Two word phrases

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Pentagon | 17:11 Sun 22nd Feb 2004 | Phrases & Sayings
6 Answers
Which same word can precede beat, chamber, dancing, memory and umbrella to make two word phrases?
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I think that the word is "aunifying".
what does 'aunifying' mean? It's not in my dictionary.

It might sound improbable, but if you do a Google search you will find that two-word combinations exist for all of them, using 'drum'. For example, putting "drum chamber" into the search slot will reveal that there is something called a 'drum-chamber coil mattress'. All the others work out, too, though I'm still far from sure what a 'drum umbrella' is! (Click http://www.educ8r.net/shopping/B0000AV519.htm and scroll down to No 11 for the reference.)

Try FLASH. Flash chamber creates steam. Flash dancing as in the movie. Flash memory in a chip. Flash umbrella used by photographers. Not quite sure about 'flash beat' though.
Try 'bubble'
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I have been away for two days so unable to respond.Many thanks to Quizmonster(again), RichGain and Currie for your helpful suggestions.I believe a case could be made to use any of the three words but I have plumped for "bubble".I have seen four of these phrases in dictionaries.

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