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2P Coins

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ginger/blue | 21:00 Mon 16th Jan 2017 | Business & Finance
5 Answers
I have found a 2p coin with no date on it. Can anyone tell me if it is worth more than 2p.
Many thanks


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I don't know about that but this was in the Daily Mail Money news 2 weeks ago.
21:03 Mon 16th Jan 2017
Are you sure the date isn't in a different place as they aren't all the same.
I can't find any web reference to British 2p coins being issued without a date. If it was an undated 20p coin though it would probably be worth about £100:
The value of anything you want to sell is governed by whoever wants to buy it, but most of all by the intermediary who is acting for you.
I once owned 3 unused penny black postage stamps all with full gum and got ripped off by 'experts' in a very big way to my eternal chagrin, no one can be trusted imo.
Got a Peter Rabbit 50p in my change not long ago, and remembered reading this ....

Doubt it will ever be worth more than 50p !!

But i've kept it just in case

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