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F.a.o. Donny

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Tilly2 | 15:19 Sun 15th Jan 2017 | ChatterBank
40 Answers
I made your egg custard yesterday. I cheated a bit and used a bought pastry case. :-)

Mr T had a piece this morning and I took some for my Dad earlier on. Both of them said it was lovely and at first my dad refused to believe that I had actually made it. So, thank you for that. A resounding success. xxx

Next time, I might also put in a vanilla pod.


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Don't forget mine!
We'll share, Tilly....and if we come across the dishy chap we met at that gate last time.....we'll tempt him to some.....♥
Gness are you that shameless as to tempt a man with another mans cake ?
I'm sure Tilly would not condone that behavior.
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Oh, yes. How could I forget him!

Donny, you'll have to send more that one cake, I'm afraid. A baker's dozen should be fine.
Condone!!!!....Pah!....She set the trap at the gate for him, Donny.....I was the innocent onlooker...... :-(
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Sometimes, Donny, one has to be artful. :-)
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Innocent bystander? showed me how to knit the trap!

Got to go now and deal with my laundry. See you later.
There is a story to be told in this. Tilly vamping some guy over a gate whilst Gness with finger in corner of mouth and eyes downcast simpers in the background.
That's exactly it, Donny......her batting eyelashes blew the osprey into the next county.......x

Laundry for me too, Tilly....and twiddling....x
Mmmm. egg custard are my favourite!!
Well I also made one today for the first time and it delicious! Mr Smow wouldn't believe I hadn't bought it. Thankyou Donny x
It's a pleasure.
I'll never buy a shop one again.
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I've made another one today too, Smow. I used a vanilla pod today though. I haven't tasted it yet but it looks lovely.
Ooh bet that wil be nice. I also cheated and bought a pastry case and wanted to see if the recipe even set first before I spent time on pastry too
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It smells gorgeous. Again I bought a pastry case. I am not going to risk spoiling it by having a soggy bottom!
Nothing worse than a soggy bottom : )
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A soggy, droopy bottom?

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F.a.o. Donny

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