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Paranoia Or Fridge?!

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Scarlett | 09:09 Thu 19th Jan 2017 | Home & Garden
17 Answers
My flatmate has complained that his room is vibrating. This has only just started to happen in the last week. I thought it might be an outside generator, however, we got a new fridge recently and since his room is next to the kitchen, I worry that this fridge may be what's stopping him sleeping.
It's a small undercounter fridge freezer made by Ice King. It was £120 from the Co-op. Do you think this could be the cause of noise/vibration and is it possible to buy quiet fridge freezers?!


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Surely if it was the fridge you'd notice it in the kitchen.
Well, there is an easy way to test this....switch the fridge off and does the vibration still continue ?

I think its unlikely to be the fridge at fault. Fridges don't "vibrate" as a rule.
they can sometimes Mikey and also noisy - legs need to be fully positioned. Turn it off Scarlett - that will let you know better.
A fridge might vibrate, if it isn't sitting correctly, but fridges are silent, in between their regular periods when the compressor starts up.
Is the floor concrete or floorboards? Dodgy floorboards could easily transmit noise/vibration to an adjacent room. Or, is the fridge-freezer actually touching the wall....some people are very sensitive to this sort of noise/vibration and some would never notice it.
Wait till the vibration is happening then switch the fridge off, if vibration stops then it's the fridge.
I would turn the fridge off and not tell the bloke.....leave it off for a few hours, if he doesn't say anything then check with him but don't say you have turned the fridge off, then do the samw with it on. I am not being nasty but if its not the fridge, he may think its the fridge and "imagine" that there is a difference when there actually isn't. People are amazingly suggestible
Is this the same flatmate who was convinced he could smell burning oil coming from the kitchen?

If so, I'd go with paranoia.
Spent a week in a house in Nova Scotia a few years ago. I slept in a bedroom that backed on to a kitchen wall against which was the fridge freezer. This thing, when it started up every so often, would vibrate and transmit the vibration through the wall into the bedroom - it was horrendous. I ended up, each night, moving the fridge freezer well away from the wall (luckily it had a long lead and was easliy moveable) into the centre of the kitchen - problem solved. So yes, to me it sounds as though the fridge could be the culprit. Good luck.
When its really windy outside I'm sure my bed shakes! Certainly my ornametns on the wall rattle?

I downloaded a sismec app for the ipad - so next time its wild I'm going to try it!
Make sure it isn't touching any walls, and stand it on something soft - perhaps cut pieces of washing up sponges.
^^^no, it needs to be standing on something that absorbs vibration like a high-density foam - not easily compressible polyether foam.
I had to turn the fridge off in my hotel room once. The vibration was driving me potty when I went to bed.
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Update: it's not the fridge! But he is still freaking out cos his room is vibrating. He says it's like a washing machine on a very fast spin quite far away
(It's not the neighbour above, theirs is really loud).
He's left the house and the vibrating stopped
so it's not him. Wish I knew what it could be.
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Can you hear/feel it at all, Scarlett?
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No I can't feel anything!

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