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Does Anyone Have Any Sympathy With This?

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youngmafbog | 13:57 Wed 25th Jan 2017 | News
48 Answers
So some women are moaning about wearing revealing clothing and high heels. Where I work the Company struggles to stop them wearing inapproiate clothes especially in the summer.

But what really gets my goat is that women are not the only ones that have to abide by a dress code. For instance I have to wear csocks, they dont, in many places I have worked I have to wear a done up collar and tie, they can wear a loose blouse, women can wear shorts, I cant.

Do the women really want to abide by the dress code i have to?


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JO....we don't know that though do we ? My sister-in-law wears them all day and then goes out 2-3 times a week wearing them.

The point that I am making is that women have a choice, but rarely seem to act on it.
No they don't. Not if their uniform standards take away that choice
Then women should organise and join a Union !
This reminds me of a job advert some time ago in one of our local papers for a bar attendant. "must wear a skirt" a guy turned up wearing a kilt. lol
They act on it, if they are allowed to. I left a job (1993) because my boss wanted shorter skirts and higher heels. I was in a back office anyway- it made no difference!
Been there. It's not as simple as that
ymb, your argument is the two wrongs one. If you dislike the dresscode that is enforced on you then do something about it.
Women don't have a choice. Why don't you understand that? If they did, there'd be no story, or campaign to get the law changed, or findings of wrongful dismissal.

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