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Cigarettes New Packets

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foxhaven | 10:28 Mon 30th Jan 2017 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
How do I know which packets are my usual cigarettes ? they now just say bright blue or real blue so don't know which is the smooth version.


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You will need to post the brand Foxhaven.
And you will need to double check the label every time you buy once you find out. My OH didn't realise till he got home from Tesco that he had been given 80 of not what he asked for.
Right there Prudie. I use silk cut purple, and sometimes I am handed silk cut grey. Like sucking a stick.
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The brand is Windsor - I have phoned Imperial Tobacco customer care line but it is just on answerphone.
The new packs don't even list the strength of contents
The brand and the name are on the label but in very small print, the entire idea is to eliminate advertising via brand names / manufacturer logo on the packs.
All packs are intended to look identical apart from the very small print.
from the web...
Cigarette packs will also no longer have warnings on the amount of tar and nicotine they contain.

While that might seem odd, the logic is very clear: whether or not a cigarette is ‘normal’ or ‘low-tar’, smokers still ingest the same levels of tar and nicotine when they smoke.

This is because ‘low tar’ cigarettes have perforations on the filter, which can lead to a lower tar yield score when tested by a machine.

But in reality, smokers cover these perforations with their fingers, lips, or saliva, meaning that the damage caused by a ‘low tar’ cigarette is no different from a regular one.
No point phoning the makers they hate the idea and have spent £millions trying to fight it!
But it is government health and safety legislation and no protest is allowed!
Looks like you will have to register and log onto Imperial's website for info Foxhaven. As far In see the only smooth is Windsor Blue Superkings.
I don't mean this next comment as a nag, but give up the fags Foxy !

I wouldn't be alive to day if I hadn't given up in 1978.

You will be much wealthier, and much healthier.

Just a suggestion of course !
Mikey, anyone who smokes knows that it is expensive and a health risk. Telling someone to give up isn't going to work. They need to make a conscious decision to do it themselves.
yeah do yourself a favour, give it up man!
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The website will only take messages from trade customers
Tilly...of course they do ! But I watched both of my parents's health steadily decline due to smoking, and it had a powerful effect on me.

At the time I quit in 1978, I was spending about £16 a month on cigarettes.
I immediately went out and bought my first Hi-Fi, on tick, with the monthly payments being another £16 a month, knowing that if i didn't succeed in quitting, I would be paying £32 a month, which I could ill afford.

This worked for me. If I was still smoking now, I estimate that I would be spending at least £20 a day. I couldn't possibly afford such a huge sum, but by then, I would be addicted, so I would find the money from somewhere.

I didn't intend for my posts to be nagging at all, but thought some hard acts might help those few smokers left to try again to quit.
Mikey - and I mentioned to you on another thread that my dad died of liver cancer due to alcohol and he didn't even drink why don't you complain about alcohol also?
Ummm....this thread is about cigarettes, not booze.

But as I understand it, its perfectly possible to remain a moderate drinker, without it making you seriously ill, or killing you, but even a modest consumption of tobacco products is unhealthy....hence all those people having problems with second-hand smoke.

Remember poor Roy Castle ?
This thread was asking about purchasing cigarettes.

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