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nailit | 20:12 Wed 01st Feb 2017 | ChatterBank
36 Answers
1) What is the worst thing that you've ever forgiven?
2) What is the worst thing that you've ever had to be forgiven for?



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I had to give up on confessions as I couldn't see him in the dark and so therefore couldn't lipread him. Sometimes I asked would he put the light on - he did reluctantly. Then I gave up.
...and..if anyone transgresses against me sufficiently to need forgiving..then I never ever forget....or forgive....but it has to be monumental as most idiots I simply ignore
Twice a week! Wow you were naughty, Minty....☺

I had five made up sins that I confessed to.....such as......I thought bad things about my I think of it.....each session included the sin of the sin list should have got longer each time.....six years of it......I still be there at the last session!

I don't see why you are astonished, Nailit.......I don't take offence easily......I don't have any aggravation or niggles in my life...but the things that have been hurtful in the past....such as my Mother's behaviour toward me are things I choose not to forgive.....she doesn't deserve forgiveness and what would be achieved by my forgiving her?
Wasn't Father Ted, was it, Conne? :-)
I'm blessed with a terrible memory for stuff that needs forgiveness. She who must be obeyed will sometimes bring something up from years gone by (not between us) and I need blow by blow to recall the event.
It helps my 'life's too short' attitude.
I'm also too nice in real life (not necessarily on here) to need forgiving. :)
funny you called him Father Eddie LOL - xxx -
Yes, the worst thing I ever forgave was a violent attack that almost cost my life.

I can't think of anything for the second one, maybe people have been too kind to remind me.
lol....What am I gonna do with you, Conne? :-) xx

I do love it when you talk ruff....Woof! x

And you too, gnessy ....Grrrrr x
woof woof grrrrrrowl ! lol xx
Omg Mamya : (
Made me stronger and enabled me to move on and have a wonderful life Smow.x
Ooooo...Minty....I think we're being teased!!!.....♥
Oh Mamya x
Good for you, Mamya x

You better believe it, gnessy....howlllll x
Cloverjo at 21:46 yesterday, that made me cry.

I can't answer these two questions, it's too painful.

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