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Pointless:~Alexander & Richard's Banter

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OldBather | 18:26 Thu 09th Feb 2017 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
I do wish that Alexander and Richard would stop thinking they are a comedy act!Their "banter" gets longer and longer and isn't at all funny.I am afraid I shout "Get On With It" at the TV,and I think I shall stop watching it,and find another quiz to pass the time.Rant over.


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Agree 100%, it's become the Alexander and Richard Show, the contestants just make up the background, have not watched it for some time now.
18:37 Thu 09th Feb 2017
Swap to The Chase. A much better quiz.

Agree 100%, it's become the Alexander and Richard Show, the contestants just make up the background, have not watched it for some time now.
Same with Eggheads..contestants,clearly having 'not a clue'as to the answer..routinely go through an explanation about how they don't think it is A or B...then chirp,'I'll take an "Educated guess",and go down the middle,and say B,Jeremy'....Grrrrr! ;-)
Alexander is a good host but Richard is an annoyingly condescending (pointless)prat

Only watch it these days if The Chase isn't on
No quiz that offers multiple choice answers is a proper quiz.
I got a Pointless answer tonight......Liaise.
I quite like the banter, OB.....makes a change to watch folk being cheery and pleasant to each grumping and swearing....☺
I agree, the banter is pointless and cringe making at times. But I do thing Richard is witty and quick at repartee.
Have no problem with it at all, much prefer it the Chase.
I don't watch it often, but I don't mind the banter. I can't watch The Chase. Too noisy!!
I can never get the gist of the Chase naomi !
"I'll read those one more time"!! So irritating.

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Pointless:~Alexander & Richard's Banter

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