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aeronut | 20:38 Fri 10th Feb 2017 | Crosswords
15 Answers
Uncertain about final two:
26ac Students might read this novel without expectation (6)
I have g?e??? Is it greats?
22dn: Writer's block providing time for church (5)
I have s?o??

Help please


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21:20 Fri 10th Feb 2017
22 could this be Scott. Scotch means hinder or prevent so block. Replace the ch (church) with t (time)
Yes I have Scott
Yes, Scott sounds good.
I think 26 must be greats but I can't find anywhere that relates greats to students: but it fits the rest of the clue
Question Author
Thanks to all who contributed,
If 26ac is greats then scott fits the bill for 22dn
Could I ask for help with 17d Article, say, by a writer returning Fenton's love ?N?E ?A?E many tks
Anne Page

Merry Wives of Windsor
Many tks Mamylynne
Question Author
I was thinking greats in terms of Mamayalynne's suggestion and also in terms of Great Expectations.
You're welcome.

Yes Areonut, both reasons.
Great (Expectation)s
Question Author
Sorry about the misspelling, Mamyalynne.

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