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Isn't This Terrifying ?

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Canary42 | 00:31 Sat 11th Feb 2017 | News
19 Answers
I know the guy can't know every detail of the job after only a few weeks, but this I find terrifying.

He didn't know what it was, but then after a quick aside he tells Putin it's all wrong. One wonders why he didn't prepare for the call a bit better.

Of course, it may be Reuter's false news.


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He's a very crazy dangerous man, he is so ill equipped for the job, is no one advising him ?
Yes Anne he does have advisers, his very crazy dangerous mates that are also ill equipped for the job.
well, I suppose better late than never when he finds out these things.

Does he know Britain has stopped using America as a penal colony? If not, we could probably unload a few undesirables there.
Good question by the OP and I approve the balanced assessments of its first respondents.

À propos of nothing, how do AB's political analysts, starting with Canary, assess the deal between Obama and Khomeini/Rouhani to give the Islamic Republic of Iran nuclear weapons in ten years?
Apologies to the current ayatollah - Khameini.
Concentrate on relevance rather than spelling, VE.
Just say what you mean,ve keep it simple.
I was trying to say that Trump's poor preparation makes him a fool, but that Obama giving nukes to the biggest sponsors of terrorism (yup, Saudi is only second) makes him, Obama rather worse on either account.
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Rational people evaluate policy and likely consequences rather than rhetoric.

I think Obama's deal with Iran is more dangerous than Trump's cosying up with Putin, or his sabre-rattling in the South China Sea.

I may be wrong, Anne. Hope I'm right.
//The Reuters reported were told of the contents of the call by people who were briefed by administration officials, and who saw notes taken of the call.//

I can’t see a problem with him asking for clarity of the details – it’s right that he should - but is this story a bit iffy? It is claimed that it comes from a seemingly ‘third-hand’ unnamed source and I can’t find it on Reuters website, or on Sky News, or BBC news.
Trump has advisers but he will not take any notice of them.He still thinks he is running his own business and can just fire anyone who does not instantly agree with his orders.
If this story is only part true then Putin and his ministers must be turning cartwheels and jumping for joy!
They now know for certain that an idiot with no grasp of foreign policy is running their largest rival for world power.
Yes, definitely terrifying !

It was said before the election that this scenario was the most potentially serious of a Trump Presidency. The only reassuring aspect is, that as Trump and Putin are such bosom buddies, its unlikely that Trump will be aiming his weapons at him. Would that we could say the same about North Korea, Iran, etc.

Real life is getting more like "Saturday Night Live" every day.
Whilst the lack of preparation for the call is a concern, and suggests DT leads by the seat of his pants making decisions as he goes, I think one can make too much of it. It's not unreasonable to check things one isn't sure of before making a statement. Anyway, that'll teach Putin to get Trump elected. He's made his bed and now he'll need to lie in it. have touched on the unacceptable aspect here.

He should have been prepared. He clearly wasn't but still made the call anyway.

There must have been much chortling in the Kremlin that wonder Putin looks so confident....he hasn't had to deal with anybody this stupid for a very long time.
so he's not afraid to ask when further information is needed? gets better and better.
How do we know Vladdy didn't have to check with his advisors??
// How do we know Vladdy didn't have to check with his advisors??//

if Trump had to then Vladdy must've

And Reagan used to ask for advice - - like
"what IS my name ?" and asking Princess Di
Is your name Princess David ?

and President Wilson ( of Amerikee) in 1921
he couldnt ask for advice ( because he had had a stroke) and so the country was run by Mrs Wilson and the doctor
//Trump also talked about his own popularity.’//

This call to a head of state beat the Aussie one comfortably, lasting all of 1 min 24 secs...

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