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Sandy Roe

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murraymints | 18:57 Mon 13th Feb 2017 | ChatterBank
31 Answers
is doing the camino AGAIN ! what a superman


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His legs will be shorter when he's finished!
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he is posting on FB too if you happen to be a friend
I'm sure there are some computer caffs en route, complete with lashings of local rosé wine or port....
Blimey!! Good for him!
I started in Lisbon and will eventually walk the section featured in Tilly2's link.
I've already encountered two locked gates on the trail where it runs parallel with a busy railway line.
They're there to prevent fly tipping , and in that they're successful, but they mean walkers have to get closer to the busy tracks than is comfortable.
I've had two unusual meals for dinner, on Saturday a bean and cow foot stew (surprisingly tasty) and yesterday , in the only place that was open in Vila Franca, a bean and tripe take on the same dish.
Within a couple of hours I was spewing it all up .
That was my first, and last, taste of tripe.
I'm with you re tripe Sandy.
I think that you may wish to be a vegetarian for the rest of your trip. Enjoy yourself sandy - you can plan your next adventure whilst you are walking. :-)
Awe no blog..... Very best wishes, be safe Sandy .x
sandy, you can get a message through to AB if you send it, e-mail, to minty, me or whoever and we can go for a goodlife copy and paste in your honour.....
Good on you Sandy, I hope this journey is as good for you as your first one.
Well done, Sandy, and stay safe.

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