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joggerjayne | 22:22 Tue 14th Feb 2017 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
... the Amex. We've drunk lots of wine, and sung lots of songs, but not scored lots of goals, just one, so I think we're still second.

Just having a little more wine before we go back into town.

Hope everyone's having a jolly evening.


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Very jolly thank you, JJ........I was the driver so the wine was off....but the food...the company and the couple at the next table were all bliss......Gx
I have survived an accidental Valentines dinner with four "ladies of a certain age" - when I tell you that our friend gness was "the quiet one", you may determine just how much my leg was pulled ...

Food and wine were fantastic though :+)
Huh!!! I'm always quiet....and I'll take your word for the wine... :-(
Just having a little more wine before we go back into town.

Seems you have more bottle than the Brighton football team ... they will crack again!

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