I have received an email with a photo of a suite of furniture from the shop I asked to email it to me. However he has sent side etc of it - Is there anyway I can turn it around. Thanks
No, but it amused me that this appeared between two topics with the following phrases in their titles....
'I nearly burst out laughing', and 'inappropriate question'
sorry, just my weird SOH :)
Hi jj - open the email, right-click the photo & click "View", that should open the pic. Right-click it again & click "Save As" - on the left of the window that opens, choose "Desktop" & make sure the box at the bottom marked "Save as type" has "JPEG Image" in it.
Click "Save" bottom right of that window & you should now have it on your desktop - click to open it & at the top-right of the box is "Rotate" - click that & you should be ok.
Oh you mean that the photo is on its side. I thought you meant that the suite was photographed from its side, and was going to suggest you needed a 3D photo :-)