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Deleting Emails

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Caran | 17:32 Wed 22nd Feb 2017 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
I'm sure I've asked before but can't find it. Had email to say my box is full. I think they mean the sent box, I checked and nearly 2500 messages in there.
Tried to delete but can only do it one by one. I'm sure I found out how to delete all. This is on an iPad. Can anyone help please.


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Caran, you should be able to click on the box on the left hand side and do lots at a time. Just go, click,click,click down the page.

I don't think there is a delete all button.
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There is a delete all button on trash, thought there might be one for sent, I am going down the list clicking each one, a long job.
Yes, you can delete all in trash and in spam.

Do a couple of pages at a time. It could take days. :-)
I think the option to delete lots at a time disappeared with the last update of the iOS operating system.

Which is a pain.

And no one can understand why Apple make these annoying changes-for-the-worse.
I do mine on a daily basis. I read my current emails and save important ones, then I get rid of all the rubbish.
Blimey Caran,
Ain't you a chatter box?

2,500 in e-mail sent box on ipad, 1,956 Questions, and 7,603 Answers, in A/B :-)
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I must try and remember to do it more often now.
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trt, some would say I have the gift of the gab!
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i highlight them all with control a then delete
^^^ There is a Ctrl key on an iPad, Aelmpvw ;-)
won't be buying one of those then :-)
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Deleting Emails

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