Hi everyone - pls help. I lost my voice on Saturday. I've still not gotten it back. I've been taking hot drinks etc, and LOCKETS soothers (honey and lemon). What else can I do? I'm desperate.
My BMA book says that there is no specific treatment for laryngitis, the obvious thing being rest your vocal cords (don't even try to speak) and, don't want to be a party pooper but it does say to try and avoid alchohol as it can irritate the voice box..hope to goodness you don't smoke cos that can irritate as well.
It does say that inhaling steam (under a towel) can relieve symptoms....
Enichea (not sure about the spelling) is said to be the best herb for the throat and voicebox, if it is a recurring problem ask the Health Store if it is suitable for long term use. Or try N00dles trick of steam under a towel. Hope you'll be singing and chanting football anthems soon.
Ok! :-) thank you all so much. Will try the steam under towel and raw onions (Gosh I hope I can swallow raw onions!). Will let you all know how I get on.
Madham, do you mean Echinacea? This herbal product in tablets?