I have credit card with three big supermarkets and tend to shop around.
I always check my statements and pay them off in full within a couple of days of receiving them.
Are there any benefits/drawbacks in setting up DDs to pay them off monthly, rather than going through the individual process of phoning up and paying them off through my debit card?
saves time and trouble. (I set a DD up once after I put a cheque in snail mail and it arrived a week late and I had to pay interest.) I can't think of any drawbacks at all. You don't even have to think about them.
With all the cards I have had you can set up DDs to pay the minimum amount, fixed amount or the full amount. It saves you the hassle of having to pay separately each time.
You're all correct.
Many thanks for confirming what I thought.
I've never had a mistake in any of my statements so I guess I will go forward, but good to hear your opinions.