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Shammydod, as I said, I'm not against the educational aspect. I firmly believe in education outside the classroom and I'm totally against the whole concept of exams for kids.
But if a parent wanted to take their child out of school on a Friday and Monday to allow for a trip like this, the school would be up in arms about it.
We want to take our band away to Germany for a couple of weeks - three-date concert tour, couple of workshops, explore the culture, learn some language. We can't go in term time because the kids wouldn't be allowed to go. We have to wait until the Summer when half the parents can't afford the prices and so they won't be joining us. Yet one of the schools finds it quite acceptable to run a similar visit to France during the term. I'd just like to know why they consider theirs of educational value but not ours.
Oh, and I do know that the World Cup contingent were set to take part in other activities whilst there. I wouldn't know about the papers because I get my fiction reading from books, but I do watch the news.
And you need to know that I never, EVER wind my neck in once it's out, especially if I'm told to. After all, the only way a tortoise makes progress is to stick its neck out. Try it. It's fun! ;-)