... yes I know he's a satirical creation - that's why we're in CB.
But I think there are a lot of valid points made in this rant ...
***** NB - there is swearing in this clip - there has to be - that's what it is about - so don't watch if you will be offended, or if your kids (or indeed parents) are within earshot *****
He was often passionate, sometimes to the point of hysteria. He was the first flouncy, hand-flapping gay person I ever met.
Didn't swear much but teared up. when enraged, which was most of the time:)
I haven't conducted a detailed analysis but I would estimate that this deliberately inflammatory/satirical piece contains somewhat less that 2% profanities.
I am overall not offended by swearing and can, by some, be considered to be a bit of a 'potty mouth', which is an expression that I find more irritating than most swear words,
Having said that I have abandoned Martina Cole as an author as she does use swearing as punctuation.
If you are no prudes I suggest you check out Kevin 'bloody' Wilson on Wilkepedia. The titles on his discography are pretty ripe but the lyrics are hilarious. I think I have all his albums and dare not play them when driving.