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War On Benefit Claiments

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nailit | 21:20 Thu 09th Mar 2017 | ChatterBank
28 Answers
Starting with Benefits Street, there seems to have been a string of 'poverty porn' programmes on TV (especially CH5).
Does anyone actually believe everything that these shows portray? That benefit claiments are all druggies, winos, crooks, chancers, thieves, scum etc? Not to mention that they all seem to live in council accommodation, smoke weed constantly, are single mothers with a partner in nick and don't want to work?


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I know! Well get ourselves into trouble....
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^^ ;-)
They are just normal people. As for me, druggies *tick*, winos *tick*, lives in a council house *tick*, etc *tick*. I work 44 hours a week :D
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What about a programme on Westminster street then. With the pedo politicians, millionaire expense claiments and the warmongering PMs who send other peoples kids off to be killed in phoney wars against Iraq etc?
Or is it just council estate residents who are scum?
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Most will be genuine claimants but they don't make for large TV audiences. But there will be some as portrayed also. The question is how many are taking us taxpayers for suckers compared to how many are genuinely unable to live adequately without help.

I tend not to watch them as they don't appeal to me; and anyway I'd probably just get angry watching folk live off our efforts whilst the evil government makes invalid excuses to holds back pension for years, trying to force decent folk to labour longer & longer, preferably until they drop, to pay for it all. had it right in the first place....these programs are just poverty porn, in the same way as the Kyle show is. They only exist to justify the prejudices of the smug class.

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