I absolutely hate self service checkouts too - I refuse to use them. When we went abroad from East Midlands airport there was a huge queue in WH Smiths, I was cross to see there were no human checkouts in sight just self service. Everyone was having trouble as the machines were asking for boarding passes which they then would not accept! After several mins of ALL the machines bleeping and calling for assistance, a bored girl assistant finally ambled up to the first one and said "No you just by-pass that - we don't need boarding passes now" and stuck her staff key in a lock and completed the man's shopping. Everyone in the queue was so angry as we couldn't "by pass" the system in that way so we all left our goods in a heap and walked out!! About 20 customers!! I went next door to Superdrug to buy my sandwiches and telling the nice assistant at the normal check out about it, she told me that it was happening all the time and they don't have self service for that reason! Hurray for Superdrug!!