Considering the sheer size of the Universe and the number of galaxies, somewhere ther must be another planet with not only life but surely intelligent life.
it is arithmetically certain that they do exist, it is similarly certain that we will never see them, mainly because of the distances involved. So any aliens seen are purely the product of the substances being abused at the time!
The dead give-away in reports of aliens is that they are always humanlike. The shape of the most intelligent creatures on earth (defined as the only ones that can make spaceships) is the result of countless millions of random mutations over thousands of millions of years, each 'successful' mutation being 'approved' by natural selection according to the state of the environment at the time. That a similar evolutionary path could have been traced by the most intelligent beings on another planet is so unlikely as to be laughable. Merely giving them pointy ears and almond-shaped eyes is not enough. Nine-foot green jellies would be more credible.