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Night Night Song From Mamya♥

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Mamyalynne | 23:01 Sun 12th Mar 2017 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
Sunday already.............♥♥♥



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Many years ago, my (then) gf and I spent a fortnight at some low-rent Greek holiday resort with a communal bar/entertainment centre. One night there was an atrocious keyboardist-singer, utter rubbish, but about 30 minutes into his set he played the opening chords of Jump by Van Halen and it sounded very good. We thought “Eh up, maybe...”. But no. He stopped after the intro and said “I love how that sounds on this keyboard but that's the only bit I know”. He then carried on being rubbish. So I YouTubed the Van Halen original and was reminded that I absolutely loathe it.
So here's something much better. I may have posted it before (apologies if so) but it's gorgeous, and the line towards the end “I will not let you go” still puts a lump in the throat for no obvious reason. It just does.
R.I.P Joni Sledge.
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Yes, RIP Joni.x
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Beautiful Anax.x
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Night Night Song From Mamya♥

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