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maggiebee | 20:52 Mon 13th Mar 2017 | ChatterBank
24 Answers
I always pride myself on my spelling but.............. went totally blank tonight trying to spell Fahrenheit. Had about 3 attempts and in the end looked it up in a dictionary, Anyone else have "blank" moments.


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I am embarrassed to admit that I spelt the simplest word wrong for several months when I worked at a large dairy. All the milkies were scared to tell me I was writing "paid" wrongly, I was putting "payed". Oh the shame of it. :( :( I can only think it's because I was a wages clerk for years and was used to seeing P.A.Y.E.
Well, that's my excuse, and I'm sticking with it.
Well, that's my excuse, and I'm sticking with it.

I don't blame you, ferlew.

My speeling is terable.
since starting to use computers nearly 20 years ago i have found that i must be slightly dyslexic, when writing longhand you can cover a multitude of sins. the computer never lies or maybe it does!
I never knew the acronym of C-R-A-F-T... proper lol, happens to me all the time.

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