I want to start waxing downstairs so I can wear a bikini freely, but I don't want to go and have someone else do it (I dont fancy much showing other people my crotch) but I was wondering if you can buy bikini wax kits at any old store... any ideas or help?
Why don't you treat yourself to one of those electric waxing machines? The're far more efficiant than waxing kits and much more economic in the long run. It still hurts though, especially 'downstairs'.
The veet warm wax tub and applicating lolipop stick type thing is one that I found works (squeezy applicator kits I've had trouble with, and ready waxed strips are about as effective as sellotape.) If you've had other bits waxed before then go for it, but if you've never had any waxing done, might be worth having legs or soemthing done so you can see how they do it. Holding skin tight, pulling off strip against direction of hairgrowth quickly and low is way to do it. (Obvioulsly they come with instructions that are better than mine-but get it wrong and you'll regert it!) Make sure hair is quite short to start with or it'll absolutely kill and be a really messy job. Oh, and most chemists will have the above, but obviously more choice of other brands and methods at bigger stores. Try your local Boots.
Have you tried waxing before yourself, anywhere on your body? If you haven't I'd suggest you should go to a professional.
Maybe it's just cause I'm a woos, but my sister tried to do my legs, and I gave up half way through. I did eventualy pick up the courage to get it done at a salon, and it wasn't too bad, but still, the thought of doing down there, all by myself....no thanks, I'd do half and then be in tears and not be able to continue with the rest!
I know it sounds embarrassing, but it is their job and they'll put you at ease if they know your a bitty shy.
Good luck!
my god I have just broke out in a sweat thinking about that , no way would I have a wax downstairs I'll stay as nature intended and just use the clippers mind you raysparxs you have given me an idea on a bikini and could be warm in the winter too
I wouldn't worry too much about 'showing your bits' in a salon - the ladies there have seen it all before, and it's no more a deal to them than asking a waitress where the toilet is.
I do my own legs and bikini line with the Veet Warm wax (have had my armpits IPL'd) mentioned above. it's a doddle and once you've had a few goes it''ll take no time at all - tkaes me about 40 mins to do both legs and bikini line.
Also, as said above, make sure when you pull it off that you do it quickly and keep your hand in contact with your skin (so that it keeps the rip backwards rather than upwards)
I have mine done at a salon and it's not as bad as you think it might be. They see thousands of women so there is no need to feel embarrassed. Brace yourself, whatever you decide to do!x
If you are going for a brazilian or hollywood, get it done professionally at least the first few times. It gets easier after a while you wll be able to do it yourself no problem.
Thanks for all the advice everyone... I guess I would be comfortable with having it done because they see that stuff all the time. But is it better to get it done, or better to stay natural? Which do partners prefer in the bedroom, which looks better, etc...?
Stay fluffy, mrs sparx is like a brazilian rain forest, dark and inviting yet scary and hairy,
if it spreads all the way round to the back,and not just the crack,the freedom it gives you,you can go out knickerless and feel the gentle breeze on your undercarriage,no more sweaty gussets ,no more expensive knickers,less wahing,so many advantages,god why do I wear pants? I am going pantless,care to join me figwit? I dare you,I double dare you!!!!