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mikey4444 | 06:03 Wed 05th Apr 2017 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
Robin at son's grave moves mum to tears


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Deary me.
At my aunts funeral a ginger cat turned up and sat at the grave side while mass being being said. Considering how many people were there I thought it was a very brave cat.
That's lovely, mikey, that it brought her some comfort. Poor mum losing her little boy so young.
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I have a robin, who sometimes comes and sits of my kitchen window sill. Considering the bloody silly fuss that Willy makes when he, I think the robin is a remarkably brave bird as well !
I saw that yesterday. Thought it was lovely
When things like that happen it's comforting.

When my dad died early in the morning I was on my own at the hospice. I went outside for a cigarette and two ducks arrived and waddled round my feet. They made me smile through my tears.

I think animals can sense sadness.
I think they can ummmm. Funny thing yesterday was that after I'd watched the video of the robin I went into the garden and sat in the middle of my garden table with a twig in his mouth was - a robin! I haven't seen one at all this year so couldn't believe it!
It's always strange when things like that happen.
I could feel my eyes welling up.
sad story..
That is very moving.
Beautiful and heart-warming.

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