I currently have a 99' plate golf gt tdi, silver with spoiler. is in really good condition with black interior. Is this a desirable car?? not sure if I should part X? or sell privately..... actually not sure if i should sell at all I do still love it and its perfect working order.
Just feel pressured intoo having a newer car as 7 years old, it has to go at some point.
I'd keep it if I were you - sounds like a good car still, if you keep it services then it will go for a fair few miles yet especially as its a diesel.
If you just fancy a change then why not treat yourself to a Revo Technic remap - I had a Polo diesel which they boosted from 100bhp to 145 and torque went off the scale. Changed a quick car to something great fun - effectively bought a new car doing that. And no - I dont work / have anything to do with Revo!!!