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what is she hoping to achieve. ?
I guess a mass campaign of tactical voting to limit the scope of Theresa May to pursue a "hard Brexit" direction?

Well, it's one interpretation of this mysterious action, I guess.
I reluctantly agreed that she had a point when she went to court last time....

Now she seems to have a big bag of 'crowd-funded' spanners which she hopes to throw into the works at a regular intervals.
Attention seeker.
She'd better make sure she doesn't fall foul of the rules on election expenses.
I'm sure you needn't be worried too much. Mass tactical voting campaigns tend to be damp squibs in the end.
Parliament is NOT sovereign, the queen is. The queen agreed to Theresa May forming her government and its purpose.
In theory yes but in practice no. No monarch has gone against the will of parliament since the days of Queen Anne.
Never say never. Remember the queen & Tony Blair over Diana
Not sure what you're referring to there.
The queen isn't sovereign, the Crown is. And then, that's only over matters strictly on the "international plane"; in matters of domestic policy, parliament is sovereign.

The queen still formally signs laws, as in Royal Assent (that may formally be withheld), but that's not what sovereignty refers to, which is specifically the ability to make and unmake laws. The Queen no longer has that power -- nor does the Crown.
Hell hath no fury like a self centered attention seeking sociopath female cannine that didn't get her own way!
Female canine! That's one way of getting round the AB filter.
And didn't she tell us it wasn't about Brexit? Not that we believed her of course.
That's no way to talk about Katie Stropkins Tora.
Oh I see: wrong thread :-)
Like Jackdaw, I feel that she may fall foul of election expenses laws. She is talking about sending support into constituencies, there was a major fuss about expenses for that last year. A few other things caught my eye as well, but details were vague.

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