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Potting Out

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bluebird34 | 09:43 Wed 19th Apr 2017 | Home & Garden
4 Answers
When can I put the shrubs I bought yesterday in the garden. I live in East Anglia and they are ceanothus, vinca and a holly.


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If they're pot grown as opposed to bare-rooted you can plant them out anytime but make sure you water them regularly until they're established.
13:01 Thu 20th Apr 2017
depends on how big they are and how they were kept before you bought them? Basically they need to be big enough to survive the odd risky night and to have been hardened off.
If they're pot grown as opposed to bare-rooted you can plant them out anytime but make sure you water them regularly until they're established.
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Thank you diddydo that's what I was hoping They are quite a good size and my garden is very sheltered so I will risk it.
They are all hardy and won't be hurt by April frosts. Get them in as soon as poss as the main growth season is about to arrive

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Potting Out

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