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Jezza Gets My Vote

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sunny-dave | 00:15 Sun 23rd Apr 2017 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
A bank holiday on my birthday every year - thanks JC :+)


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I treat it as a bank holiday anyway :-)
If Jeremy gets his way, by the time he has finished I think there will be 3 or 4 bank holidays a week.
Lucky Dave. If I was PM I would give every working person a day off on their birthday :-)
As Maggie once said, the trouble with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money. Ummmm I thought Paddy's day was a bank holiday wonder the boss kept asking where I was yesterday..... ;-)
A distinct lack of imagination on the part of JC, I fear. Had he given the matter some serious consideration we could have had Lenin Day, Stalin Day, Mao Tse Tung Day and Yasser Marrowfat Day.
Absolutely marvelous do you realize the disruption and waste every bank holiday causes in British industry you cannot just turn machinery off and on ,another great idea from an idiot who has never worked in industry ,I firmly believe that a politician should have at least some experience in working for a living instead of posturing for votes

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