Well if you have passion in both, like I do, it really depends on your university. Some majors, especially science related ones, are SUUUPER impacted so if you really want to do it, you're going to have to be competitive because they're hard to get into. Plus, once you finally get in, you have to stay super committed to it! Committed to studying, committed to going to class everyday, committed to asking questions... The list goes on! And it's really just not the science majors too. Just because they're harder to get into, studying arts takes a lot of commitment too because it's not just working on something and then you're done. It's working on something over and over again in school, at home, and maybe even at work. If you even have time to have one... There are really no good or bad to both subjects because it really depends on what you want to do. And how committed you are to staying with it til the end :D I mean, as a college student myself, it's really hard to stay committed to something after you take the intro class for it Lol. So maybe you could start with that and see how REALLY interested in the subject you are. Because college experience is WAAAAAAYYYYYYY different from what you've experienced before.