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sweetcorn tins...

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joko | 21:36 Sun 25th Jun 2006 | Food & Drink
1 Answers
is is ok to store sweetcorn in the tins - as it has a kind of white plastic coating on it so i assume the metal will not be in contact with the food?

anyone know why the tins have this coating?



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Cans for food have had an epoxy lining for while as an attempt to ensure the contents do not react to the metal - but his lining has been linked in several studies to various health problems, inc. the formation of contaminants that imitate female hormones, to some cancers - same health links as also found in some dental fillings . . .

If you are asking about storing part used contents in an opened can - don't. Transfer to a sealed container and use within 2 days

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sweetcorn tins...

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