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Neily | 13:07 Sat 29th Apr 2017 | Crosswords
9 Answers
Very grateful for all help with these three clues please.
5ac: "Pressure to stop mail while away (5)." I have S-E--.
7dn: "March the first in Newtown is ace! (5)." I have --M-N.
16dn: "Girl some toast for snaffling boy (8)." I have M-S-M---.


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Spend; Demon; Rosamund
5 Spend, while away - P, pressure, inside Send, mail.
19 rosamund
Further to 7 down - I have "demon" and get "March 1st" and "ace", but am stumped by the Newtown reference. Explanation appreciated.
The first letter in Newtown.
Sorry, I should have said the first letter in Newton, N, gets added to Demo, march.
...and 'ace' is an informal meaning of 'demon'
Got it! - Many thanks, Neveracrossword
You're welcome,jocon.

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