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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 05:55 Tue 02nd May 2017 | ChatterBank
75 Answers
Tuesday. The sun is coming up, not much cloud about. Still chilly out though,

I'm late this morning, didn't get to sleep until two thirtyish. So the day will be a bit shorter! :o}

Not a lotto do today,so the kitchen floor will get some attention.

Have a happy day everyone.


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Now if only I knew I could get him I assume it was a he to come and massage it for me .
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Me too TWR. All go isn't it!

Some layout minty!
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That would be nice wendi!
he does put a lot of effort into it Boaty...
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So I see minty! Must cost a not very small fortune!
MM I thought you meant wbm puts a lot of effort into it till I realised you were on about gardenes . Shame lol.
verrrry expensive hobby !!
lol wendy
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I can think of better ways to spend money!
keeps him happy !
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I'm sure it does minty. :o}
time to plug ear and run roon shower..see you later xx
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Time to make a move.

Have a happy day everyone. xxxxx
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Have a happy day minty xxxxx

A slightly late 'morning all, just in from dog walk. A decent start to the day here, quite nice in fact.
HAve a good day all.

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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