Out There Revisited
I must be deaf or daft or both!...but first, I'd like to apologise to all those ABers who took the time and trouble to anser. So Lie-In King, Murdo, Togo, Fiction Factory, Tonyav and Mamya to all of you I deeply apologise and to anyone else who thought about the thing.
I asked the question about who sang the song Out There, but I only found out this morning, at about 6.30 that the song is actually called Right Here and is by SWV.
When I originally heard it on the radio, whenever that was, I must have misheard the DJ and the rest, as they say, is history - and pathetic...me!
I have paid my penance for this mistake, as I've ploughed through weeks of radio playlists, but of course, never found the song and then, lo and behold, there it was this morning in all its mocking (to me) beauty...good job I had a tape in the CD/tape player or I might have missed it even then, though no doubt I'll hear it more times today than I wish to hear.
So, Many Thanks you great ABers and if you're reading this Lie-In King, please could I ask you for the favour?
Thank You All.