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Good Jam To Make At The Moment

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237SJ | 16:24 Thu 27th Apr 2017 | ChatterBank
29 Answers
Last year I told the local animal charity that I would make some jam for them to sell at their summer fete. They have just taken me up on the offer and the fete is in mid May which is earlier than I expected. What would be a good fruit to buy now?


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In the past I have made jams from fruits that youngest lad has found being sold off for pennies in the bigger supermarkets. He loves his home made jam and is not averse to trying any and all mixes of fruit.
hereIam I have to like ginger as my daughter puts it in everything, stir fried veg, roast veg, all sauces, ice cream, ginger marmalade on toast.
Waitrose does a fantastic (own-brand) lemon curd....and an orange curd, too. They used to do a raspberry curd (which I loved) but stopped doing it.
Ginge...raspberry curd ? Now that sound lovely !
I always thought that curd was the cheaper version and cheese the more luxurious!
Banana curd is cheap and easy to make and yummy
you might look and see what frozen fruit is around and cheap?
Yes, mikey, it was...slightly strange colour (because there was no artificial colour added) which may have put potential buyers it disappeared from the shelves. Swines!
I'd go back to them and explain that you were more than happy to make some jam, but you had assumed the fete would be in the summer when the fruit is available. As its a bit earlier, its not possible to make jam, but I'm happy to make a few cakes/scones/greetings cards/runner bean starters/knitted scarf - insert here whatever it is you could offer instead.
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Update - I went with Eccles' suggestion and it was lovely. Problem was I dropped the jam off with the charity worker and she and her colleagues bought the lot so it never made it to the stall (although the money did of course go into the charity pot) I`ve now got to make some for 3 different charities so that will keep be busy.

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