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My Brother And His Wife....

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gness | 01:11 Sun 14th May 2017 | ChatterBank
30 Answers
...often look in on

Well done both on completing the MoonWalk for breast cancer and raising lots of money......

Brother, you look so different in that bra and yes.........

I will do it next year!

Love Gx


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Different trousers next year then.
Well done to both of them. I hope the chafing settles down soon.
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I think he's at the....never again.....stage, Tony.....we'll see what his wife decides.... :-)
Well done to them both, a worthy caused helped.
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Oh I'm sure it will, Tilly......he won't be riding his bike for a while though.....x
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Thanks, Marval....he says he was conned into doing it when he offered to "support" his wife when she signed up........but he's so glad he did.....even though he's now known as the guy with the flashing boobies..... :-)
we'll see what his wife decides.... :-)

Question Author know how it is, Tony....... ;-)
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A message from my brother (who thanks you all for your support and interest) :

You realise when you do something like this that with all that goes into organising such an event with so many volunteers and the atmosphere on the night with 15,000 people taking part that during these times when we hear so much negativity about most things in the UK that in truth we have much to be proud of; there is a big bunch of big hearted and lovely people out there. I supported T in this event but am so pleased to have personally been part of last night and delighted she “conned” me into it.


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