Question Author
13 points - teacher1
11 points - baza & owllady
10 points - Jean G, roslyn251254 & WATERBOATMAN
9 points - beejay1124 & cliffyg
7 points - dannyk13, Doof45', Fibonacci, jollyroger66 & mallyh.
6 points - brizzer, Chiefpanda, cpfcrosie, cupid04, Dickiedot, elliemay1 , iminoz, jobjockey, Lysander, Muzz, murraymints, -SharonA- , tearinghair, wickedtongue & x-ray.
Congratulations to ALL the points scorers this time. Hopefully the next two weeks will see a whole lot more action ...Fingers crossed for same, and till next time stay safe, Cheers, Steff