What was your favourite toy as a child? Mine was Pippa dolls. Have you looked on Ebay to see if your favourite toy/game is still available?! It is quite COSMIC to see all the old 60s/70s/80s toys people are selling!
Well, I had the range of Pippa doll sized 70's style furniture mixed with my older sisters dolls house stuff and sindy furniture in an old suitcase, and me & my friends would play "picks" and take turns to select a piece with which to set up our houses on the "pippa doll sized" squares of carpet that my Dad cut for me from our house carpets (couldn't stretch to a Pippa doll house) we played for hours,days weeks with this. I had 4 Pippa dolls the one with black hair (Melanie I think) was my favourite. We used to fight over the new turquiose bedroom carpet!
I loved my Tiny Tears and also my Tressy doll - the one whose hair miraculously "grew" long when you yanked it then went short when you wound a plastic key thing into a hole in her stomach.
I also loved Tippy Tumbles � a doll that did forward rolls, how exciting was that!!!!!
I was given a little sewing machine for Christmas when I was 9, it was called " LITTLE BETTY " I loved it and used to make clothes on it for my favourite doll which was " TRESSY ". I have still got the sewing machine!..... it might be worth something, but I will never part with it. XXX :-)