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Scooper and Mamyalynne, there are several well recognised and respected lists published covering various aspects/criteria, and the one I referred to is one such. As a result those lists are taken seriously by a range of parties from media to governments. There are those who from time to time find the implications of the information uncomfortable but I have not come across credible attempts to debunk the reputable lists. However, attempts to present "alternative facts" have surfaced. I think it was sometime in the past two years or so that an attempt to present a "competitor" to another of these lists was published. That newcomer list compared countries in how happy their population was (I forget if it was for Europe/The West only or worldwide) and, if I recall correctly, the UK's was listed as the happiest people or at least very near the top. Not that long before, the better known list had been published and I recalled the UK being somewhere in the high teens or a lower rank, quite a contrast, so I started looking into the difference between the two accounts. Fairly quickly I discovered that one lead author of the newcomer list was the UK government - I lost interest at that point. I have not seen any reference to it apart from when it came out and even then the reporting was limited to some of the UK media.